Friday, February 18, 2011

Full Snow Moon

Well, after a beautiful day tonite we should be able to see the Full Snow Moon or some like to call it Full Hunger Moon. It is at this time that we could get heavy snow (Full Snow Moon) therefore making it difficult to hunt (Full Hunger Moon). I plan to check it out tonite, shouldn't be cold and I'm not going hunting, so what else do I have to do!! LOL. Have a good weekend. Off to work at a auction tomorrow, hope to score some good stuff, lots of shows coming up.


  1. Ginny, I too will belooking for the full moon tonight. How lovely it is when the brightness of the moon illuminates the snow below.

  2. Hi Ginny-love to go to some of those shows myself! Can't wait for the tag sales to start, too! Yippy!!!!
