Friday, January 8, 2010

Top 10 of 2010 Collectibles #2

According to Country Sampler insulators are one of the 2010 hot collectibles. But, what do you with with them. Place them on a window sill? Place them on a bookshelf? Well, we came up with another idea. Let me explain. First you take a clean insulator clear or colored your choice and you tie a ribbon or raffia around it, like below.

Then you get a battery operated tea light. I picked up ours at The Dollar Tree, two in a pack for $1.00. They should have 60 hours of light. We will see.

Turn on the tea light, place under the insulator and there you have it. A safe, pretty light accent for your Primitive or Country home.

At our last Antique Show we placed these in between boxes, on shelves and tables and they looked great. They caught many a eye and we even sold a couple of them. I am going to be offering these for sale on my ecrater store in the very near future.

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