Monday, July 13, 2009

Is Summer Over?

I know its not, but don't try and buy any lawn, patio, porch furniture. Les and I decided that it would be nice to have a pair of lounge chairs for the screened porch. So yesterday off we went, first to Lowe's, they are having 30% off all of their patio furniture, but they only carry one style lounge, one that I cannot operate, you kind of have to push with your legs/back and I just don't have that much push and they were $55.00 ea. So, off to Dick's Sporting Goods, they were having a sale their's were very simliar to Lowe's. What ever happen to the lounge that you sit in and the arms when lifted recline your back, can't find them anymore. Then it was off to Target, which had a very sad :( patio dept. only had two chairs left. Walmart had a similar patio dept. Moral of my story, but porch furniture in February!! Sorry, but I just can't get into it then. We need to go and fill up our van with gas tonite at the Giant Gas Station (gotta lot the bonus points, we get .60 off every gallon on gas) so we are going to pop in at Home Depot, I expect to not find any lounges there either. If anyone knows of of stores in NE PA that may have furniture, let me know!! Have a great evening.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ginny!

    We found the same thing a few weeks ago. We went to sevweral places and had given up. But then on another errand we drove by another Walmart and got the last set they had. It was just what I wanted so I was very excited! But you are right - by it early!!
