Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Fastnacht Day

Fastnacht Day is a old German custom, which translates into clearing the house of fat on the day before Lent starts. Or Fat Tuesday. Growing up in NJ this was a new custom to me and my family when we moved to PA over 20 plus years ago. But, it was a custom that we grew to like very much. Everyone has their version of fastnacht's I'm sure, I usually pick up ours at the bakery in our local Giant. I think someday I would love to try a homemade one. It is snowing here in Williams Township once again, this is getting really old and I and Les are getting ready for Spring and once Spring starts so do all of our Antique Shows! We are less then one month away from our first. I will post info on that show in the next week or so. Have a Great Fastnacht Day!!

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