Sunday, September 30, 2012

September, Where did you go

Good Evening All. Is anyone else wondering what happened to September? It seems like it just was Labor Day Weekend! 

Tonite is the Full Harvest Moon, so named because it occurs closest the the autmnal equinox. It was pretty bright last evening, so if you didn't see it then, try tonite. I love when I get up at night and the yard is all aglow from the full moon, just makes everything seem alright.

We had a gathering of long time friends at our home yesterday. Weather could have been better, but a good time was had by all.

This week we are getting ready for a auction that we are having for a client of ours, this is the third and final auction. Then we have three more auctions that we will be working at before we get a break.

No rest for the weary, and we like it just fine. Have a wonderful Fall evening wherever you are. Here is a picture that I borrowed of the Harvest Moon.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Sad day in Ginnysyard

If a person could ever have a best buddy and it be a duck then that person is me. My best bud, a.k.a Danger Duck passed away last nite. Many of you know that he was very lame and not getting around very well. It has been years that he and his siblings went outside of the Duck Hilton do to their ages. He and all my other ducks have lived and are still living the life of riley at the Duck Hilton. Cool fans blowing in the Summer along with cool baths and frozen peas :-). In the Winter warm air blowing from the heating ducts and always extra straw in their beds, along with extra food treats to keep them toasty. Les and I figured that Danger Duck was about 23 years old. He came to us as a orphan (dropped off in the Winter at our pond) but left us as my best bud. He learned early on to eat out of my hand, be it corn, spinach or frozen peas and I always had to feed him first or he had a fit :-). My buddy will be very very much missed.