Tonight is the Full Beaver Moon, named so because it was the time to set beaver traps, before the waters froze over. It is also called Full Frost Moon. No pictures of the moon, due to rain that is falling, though it is suppose to stop and get cooler, possible frost. Things have been pretty quite around Ginnysyard, still cleaning up from the Snowtober that dumped 12 + inches on us. Without power for 30 hours. And if any of my friends live in a old house like ours, when the power goes out and stays out for any length of time, things begin to happen. Like we needed the well pump person to come out and put new parts on the pump to the tune of $176.00. Ducks and cats all survived the storm. Cats camped out with us as we bedded down around the woodstove, they loved it!! I had my second and last visit with the ortho doctor yesterday. My knee is healing well, just more exercises and keep moving. Well, that is it for me. Hope everyone is well. Have a great evening, check out that moon if you don't have clouds.