Monday, July 27, 2009

Our Girls

Hey, this is a first for me, two posts in one night. We just happen to have our camera out on the screen porch with us today and Les snapped a picture of our girls. Maggie is the one on the little table, Dolly is the one passing thru. This was suppose to be just a picture of Maggie because she was sitting so nice (that rarely happens) and just as Les was ready to snap the picture Miss Dolly decided to pass thru. And after that Maggie was not going to cooperate any longer.

Nine Dollar Wheel Barrow

Yes, that is what I paid for this great old wheel barrow, complete with drainage holes for the plants. I really liked the iron wheel and will use that some other way when it is no longer good for a planter. Plants were not a bad deal either. A entire flat which was six, six packs or a total of 36 Marigolds for $7.00 bucks. Everything I read says its too late for annuals, but what the heck be different if it makes you smile. And my wheel barrow and flowers do just that. Hope everyone has a good evening.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Quite in the Yard

Good Morning, just to update everyone, we finally found lounge chairs. We found them at K-Mart. I'm not really a KM shopper but we were in the area on Monday and said what the heck and there they were and at 25% off, can't beat that. Now we just need to make room on the screen porch and we will be sitting just fine. Slowly we are cleaning up the porch and the house, now that we have our new storage shed, many items that we take to our Antique Shows will be going in there. As far as our yard goes, all is quite. We believe that Mom & Pop Goose have left with the family, they had been teaching them how to flap their wings and take off and we have not seen them for over a week now. We are always happy to have goslings, but just as happy when they leave, way too messy as they grow up. Also, sadly I think Buddy is gone on to a better place for injured geese. He was have a terrible time getting around, his wing was caught under his leg and try as I might (just ask Les), I was unable to catch him and I did not want to chase him and cause him any more pain then I believe he was in. So, as hard as it was, I needed to let him do his thing and what it was/is we now have not seen him for a few weeks. But, mark my words if he comes back I will try and catch him again and if I do, he will be going in the Duck Hilton with the ducks for good!! Have a wonderful day.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Is Summer Over?

I know its not, but don't try and buy any lawn, patio, porch furniture. Les and I decided that it would be nice to have a pair of lounge chairs for the screened porch. So yesterday off we went, first to Lowe's, they are having 30% off all of their patio furniture, but they only carry one style lounge, one that I cannot operate, you kind of have to push with your legs/back and I just don't have that much push and they were $55.00 ea. So, off to Dick's Sporting Goods, they were having a sale their's were very simliar to Lowe's. What ever happen to the lounge that you sit in and the arms when lifted recline your back, can't find them anymore. Then it was off to Target, which had a very sad :( patio dept. only had two chairs left. Walmart had a similar patio dept. Moral of my story, but porch furniture in February!! Sorry, but I just can't get into it then. We need to go and fill up our van with gas tonite at the Giant Gas Station (gotta lot the bonus points, we get .60 off every gallon on gas) so we are going to pop in at Home Depot, I expect to not find any lounges there either. If anyone knows of of stores in NE PA that may have furniture, let me know!! Have a great evening.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Where Does The Time Go?

I can't believe that it has been over a week since I lasted posted. I think I was lost in space. We did our Antique Show out at Renninger's in Kutztown last week. We have had better shows. But, we do believe its just a sign of the times. Lots of people looking but not spending too much. But, when we were unpacking the truck on Sunday morning, three ladies from a nearby neighborhood were walking and just fell in love with many items sitting in the driveway and came back with a pick-up and purchased them!! Gotta love the ladies. We have no big plans for the holiday weekend, just plan to take it easy. We have to catch-up on yard work and house work. It does not seem like the weather will be too bad. I have two cone flowers to get into the ground and then I'm done. We could fill our second raised bed that we made for a couple of reasons, one reason was that the rain just won't let up and when it did we weren't around. And then we discovered that maybe all the wet mushy ground wasn't just rain. It seems that we had a septic system problem, pump not working and a few holes in our tank. All is fixed and the ground is drying out nicely. Oh, to live where there is real plumbing!! Septic systems just make me nervous. Well, I'm at work and need to finish up a few things before I head out for the weekend. Have a very happy and safe 4th of July. Remember to fly those flags!!!